Our Programs

Infant-Toddler Program

Our Philosophy

The infant-toddler program at GMMS is a multi-age community that offers a doorway to learning in the comfort of a home-like setting. Our program integrates the Montessori philosophy while supporting growth and independence.

At GMMS ITP, we strongly believe that a loving, caring, and nurturing environment is essential when understanding the incredible developmental changes that occur the first three years of life. A wide range of scheduling options are available ranging from 2-5 days a week (depending on availability)

Embracing Individuality and Promoting Exploration

In the GMMS Infant-Toddler Program (ITP), we celebrate the unique qualities each child brings to our community. Understanding that every child's developmental journey is distinct, our educators tailor learning experiences to meet individual needs, fostering a deep sense of belonging and self-worth.

Our environment is designed to spark curiosity and encourage exploration, offering a variety of sensory-rich materials and activities that align with the Montessori philosophy. This approach not only supports cognitive and physical development but also cultivates a lifelong love for learning, allowing children to follow their interests at their own pace.

A Partnership with Families

At GMMS ITP, we view parents and caregivers as integral partners in the educational journey. We strive to create a transparent, open line of communication, ensuring that families are actively involved in their child's learning and development. Regular updates, parent-teacher conferences, and community events are just a few ways we foster this partnership.

Recognizing the importance of consistency between home and school, we offer resources and guidance to help families incorporate Montessori principles into daily life. This collaborative approach strengthens the home-school connection, supporting the child's holistic development and reinforcing the values of growth and independence within the nurturing confines of our program.

Practical Life

The practical life curriculum has lessons designed to help children with essential skills used for every day life.  Each child is given a lesson in which the children develop sense of coordination, concentration and independence. Specific activities help with social skills, grace and courtesy, as well as teaching the children to care for themselves, others, as well as the environment around them.

Fine- Motor Control

Helps develop hand-eye coordination with lessons involving scooping, pouring, grasping, rolling and folding, twisting, and more. Children are given purposeful activities which increase in difficulty as they progress.  

Sensorial Development

Dr. Maria Montessori believed that sensorial experiences began at birth, as the child becomes aware of their environment through their senses. The sensorial materials are designed in Montessori to cover every aspect that can be defined by our senses such as size, shape, texture, composition, and sound. Children at the infant-toddler level are given lessons on activities such as color tablets, cylinder blocks , pink tower, sound boxes, puzzle maps, and touch boards.

Language Development

Our language development techniques help children use words and sentences to communicate. While the primary language at the school is English, we also hold a Spanish class several days a week.  Our language materials include matching activities with pictures to be named and matched to encourage the children to become verbal. We provide textured letters, such as sand paper letters to help the child feel and see the alphabet while learning sounds of the week.

Our Programs

Our Infant-Toddler Program

We strive to nurture and preserve each child’s natural curiosity and to develop an awareness to the unlimited potential for learning based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophy. A variety of scheduling options are available, ranging from half-day to full-day classes 2-5 days a week.

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What parents say about us

Trevor & Ashley B.

Our son truly loves going to school each day. Ms. Urooj Ansari does such a great job with our son. We love that he learns practical life skills that he insists on continuing to practice at home. Also, each week we see his fine motor skills developing more and more. Although he can be a little shy at school, we have noticed how much his language continues to improve each day. 

Raheela A.

As our family was relocating from Texas, we found ourselves seeking an early education program suitable for our son. Our search led us to Growing Minds Montessori and we decided to personally tour the school to determine if it would be an ideal learning environment for him. Upon meeting Ms. Urooj, we were immediately impressed by her extensive knowledge of the Montessori methodology.

Joel M.

Enrolling our child in the Growing Minds Montessori toddler program was one of the best decisions we've made as parents. The environment is nurturing, stimulating, and fosters independence in our little one. The dedicated teachers guide with patience and understanding, allowing our child to explore and learn at their own pace. We've seen remarkable growth in their confidence, curiosity, and social skills.

Ethan A.

Willow absolutely loves going to school every day. Miss. Urooj has such a wonderful way of connecting with her. We are thrilled to see Willow learning practical life skills that she eagerly practices at home. Each week, we notice how her skills are improving. We can see Willow's language skills blossoming more and more each day. We couldn’t be happier with the progress she’s making and the joy she finds in her time at school and with Miss. Urooj.

Kyle N.

Each day I drop Cooper off usually dinosaur toy in hand he sprints to Miss Urooj with so much joy and excitement and each day we know we made the right decision. We are so confident in Miss Urooj and the entire GMMS staff we will be sending Coopers baby brother Carter to school starting this summer. For us we feel the best thing we can give our children is a successful start at life, and as we all know it takes a village when raising kids. Miss Urooj and GMMS will help immensely with giving them a successful start and we are so lucky they are part of our village.